Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC

File extension Details of PRF, PRF, PSF, GADGET, QTZ, FTG, FSEVENTSD, FFO, FFA

File Type:Microsoft Profiler output
Category:System file
File Description:Profiler output: Function list (MS Profiler).
Open Programs:

Microsoft Windows

Company / developer:
  Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft Windows

Microsoft Windows is a family of operating systems by Microsoft. They can run on several types of platforms such as servers, embedded devices and, most typically, on personal computers. Microsoft first introduced an operating environment named Windows in November 1985 as an add-on to MS-DOS in response to the growing trend of graphical user interfaces (GUI) popularized by the Macintosh. Microsoft Windows eventually came to dominate the world's personal computer market.

File Type:Microsoft Windows system file
Category:System file
File Description:Contains settings and preferences used by the Windows operating system.
Open Programs:

Microsoft Windows

Company / developer:
  Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft Windows

Microsoft Windows is a family of operating systems by Microsoft. They can run on several types of platforms such as servers, embedded devices and, most typically, on personal computers. Microsoft first introduced an operating environment named Windows in November 1985 as an add-on to MS-DOS in response to the growing trend of graphical user interfaces (GUI) popularized by the Macintosh. Microsoft Windows eventually came to dominate the world's personal computer market.

File Type:Windows Server Update Services patch storage file
Category:System file
File Description:Windows Server Update Services patch storage file.
Open Programs:

Windows Server

Company / developer:
  Microsoft Corporation

Windows Server is the most advanced Windows Server operating system yet, designed to power the next-generation of networks, applications, and Web services. With Windows Server you can develop, deliver, and manage rich user experiences and applications, provide a highly secure network infrastructure, and increase technological efficiency and value within your organization.

Windows Server builds on the success and strengths of its Windows Server predecessors while delivering valuable new functionality and powerful improvements to the base operating system. New Web tools, virtualization technologies, security enhancements, and management utilities help save time, reduce costs, and provide a solid foundation for your information technology (IT) infrastructure.

File Type:Windows sidebar gadget file
Category:System file
File Description:Microsoft Windows Vista Sidebar gadget file. You can easily download, open and install new gadgets to your sidebar. Gadget file is ZIP file which contains gadget files. Could be renamed on .zip and opened by compression applications.
Open Programs:

Microsoft Windows Vista

Company / developer:
  Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft Windows Vista is a line of graphical operating systems used on personal computers, including home and business desktops, notebook computers, Tablet PCs, and media centers.

On January 30, 2007, it was released worldwide to the general public and was made available for purchase and downloading from Microsoft's web site. The release of Windows Vista comes more than five years after the introduction of its predecessor, Windows XP, making it the longest time span between two releases of Microsoft Windows.

Windows Vista contains hundreds of new features; some of the most significant include an updated graphical user interface and visual style dubbed Windows Aero, improved searching features, new multimedia creation tools such as Windows DVD Maker, and completely redesigned networking, audio, print, and display sub-systems. Vista also aims to increase the level of communication between machines on a home network using peer-to-peer technology, making it easier to share files and digital media between computers and devices. For developers, Vista includes version 3.0 of the .NET Framework, which aims to make it significantly easier for developers to write high-quality applications than with the traditional Windows API.

There are several editions of Windows Vista:
- Windows Vista Starter
- Windows Vista HomeBasic
- Windows Vista Home Premium
- Window Vista Business
- Windows Vista Enterprise
- Windows Vista Ultimate

File Type:MAC OS X Quartz graphics file
Category:System file
File Description:Special part of MAC OS X. Graphics layer. Core Graphics framework: Quartz 2D and Quartz Composer. It includes both a 2D renderer in Core Graphics and the composition engine that sends instructions to the graphics card. Because of this vertical nature, Quartz is often interchanged synonymously with Core Graphics.
Open Programs:

Mac OS X

Company / developer:
  Apple, Inc.

Introduction to Mac OS X

Ever wonder why people get so attached to their Mac? Think Mac OS X. At the core of every Mac, Mac OS X is what makes your digital life more simple, more productive, and just plain fun.

It’s easy.

Mac OS X is a celebration of simplicity and common sense. No complicated menus. No obscure commands. Most tasks can be accomplished with just a click or two. And if you ever need guidance, there’s a built-in help system to light the way. Oh, one more thing: Mac OS X is simply breathtaking — and easy to personalize with desktop pictures and screen savers.

It’s advanced.

Making amazing things simple takes seriously advanced technology. Mac OS X is built on a rock-solid UNIX foundation, delivers true 64-bit performance, and incorporates industry-leading animated graphics. The beauty is, you don’t have to know what one word of that means — just start up your Mac and enjoy it.

It’s amazing.

More than an operating system, Mac OS X is a collection of very cool applications. It comes with everything you need to surf the web, send beautifully designed email, video chat, and organize your personal information.

It’s secure.

In a world where PCs constantly do battle with viruses and malware, Mac OS X is a sea of tranquility. Just go about your business and Mac OS X minds the fortress. Your documents are safe even if you share your Mac with others, and you can keep your kids safe by using a rich set of parental controls.

It’s compatible.

It’s a big world out there, and Mac OS X fits in perfectly. It runs Microsoft Office. It has built-in drivers for cameras, printers, and external drives. It plugs right into a PC network. And in case there’s a PC application you can’t live without, Mac computers can even run Windows. Mac OS X is compatible with everything — most of all, you.

File Type:Windows Help file
Category:System file
File Description:Windows Help Full-text Search Group File
Open Programs:

Microsoft Windows

Company / developer:
  Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft Windows

Microsoft Windows is a family of operating systems by Microsoft. They can run on several types of platforms such as servers, embedded devices and, most typically, on personal computers. Microsoft first introduced an operating environment named Windows in November 1985 as an add-on to MS-DOS in response to the growing trend of graphical user interfaces (GUI) popularized by the Macintosh. Microsoft Windows eventually came to dominate the world's personal computer market.

File Type:MAC OS X file
Category:System file
File Description:File extension is used by MAC OS X.
Open Programs:

Mac OS X

Company / developer:
  Apple, Inc.

Introduction to Mac OS X

Ever wonder why people get so attached to their Mac? Think Mac OS X. At the core of every Mac, Mac OS X is what makes your digital life more simple, more productive, and just plain fun.

It’s easy.

Mac OS X is a celebration of simplicity and common sense. No complicated menus. No obscure commands. Most tasks can be accomplished with just a click or two. And if you ever need guidance, there’s a built-in help system to light the way. Oh, one more thing: Mac OS X is simply breathtaking — and easy to personalize with desktop pictures and screen savers.

It’s advanced.

Making amazing things simple takes seriously advanced technology. Mac OS X is built on a rock-solid UNIX foundation, delivers true 64-bit performance, and incorporates industry-leading animated graphics. The beauty is, you don’t have to know what one word of that means — just start up your Mac and enjoy it.

It’s amazing.

More than an operating system, Mac OS X is a collection of very cool applications. It comes with everything you need to surf the web, send beautifully designed email, video chat, and organize your personal information.

It’s secure.

In a world where PCs constantly do battle with viruses and malware, Mac OS X is a sea of tranquility. Just go about your business and Mac OS X minds the fortress. Your documents are safe even if you share your Mac with others, and you can keep your kids safe by using a rich set of parental controls.

It’s compatible.

It’s a big world out there, and Mac OS X fits in perfectly. It runs Microsoft Office. It has built-in drivers for cameras, printers, and external drives. It plugs right into a PC network. And in case there’s a PC application you can’t live without, Mac computers can even run Windows. Mac OS X is compatible with everything — most of all, you.

File Type:MS Office Find Fast document properties cache
Category:System file
File Description:The Find Fast Indexer is a utility that builds indexes to speed finding documents from the Open dialog box in Microsoft Office programs and from Microsoft Outlook. When you install Microsoft Office, a shortcut to Find Fast is placed in your startup program group. File contains for example, the author and title.
Open Programs:

Microsoft Office

Company / developer:
  Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft Office

To make it easy to get the features and capabilities that will help your organization meet its challenges, Microsoft offers a variety of Office suites to address a diverse range of needs. Whether you are a home user or work for a multinational corporation, the 2007 Microsoft Office system has a suite to help you and your organization work more effectively.

File Type:MS Office Find Fast status file
Category:System file
File Description:The Find Fast Indexer is a utility that builds indexes to speed finding documents from the Open dialog box in Microsoft Office programs and from Microsoft Outlook. When you install Microsoft Office, a shortcut to Find Fast is placed in your startup program group.
You can open the Find Fast Control Panel icon to create additional indexes (for example, on a network drive), delete indexes, and set other options. Although you can use Find Fast in the Control Panel, Find Fast indexes Office documents automatically and requires no user interaction.
By default, Find Fast creates a single index on each hard disk on your computer. Note that Find Fast does not automatically index files on removable disk media. However, you may create multiple indexes on a single drive, especially on shared or network drives. You can do this but you cannot create indexes that overlap. For example, if a Find Fast index exists on drive C, you cannot create an additional index for files in the My Documents folder on drive C. To create an index of My Documents, first delete the index for drive C through the Find Fast Control Panel icon.
Open Programs:

Microsoft Office

Company / developer:
  Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft Office

To make it easy to get the features and capabilities that will help your organization meet its challenges, Microsoft offers a variety of Office suites to address a diverse range of needs. Whether you are a home user or work for a multinational corporation, the 2007 Microsoft Office system has a suite to help you and your organization work more effectively.

File Type:Microsoft software update file
Category:System file
File Description:File extension is used by Microsoft for patches file. Used in MS DOS and DOS based Windows. (.RTPatch) Used by Another applications such as Microsoft Visual C++.
Open Programs:

Visual C++

Company / developer:
  Microsoft Corporation

Visual C++

Visual C++ provides a powerful and flexible development environment for creating Microsoft Windows–based and Microsoft .NET–based applications. It also enables developers to build Web applications, smart-client Windows-based applications, and solutions for thin-client and smart-client mobile devices.

Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC